Sunday, November 18, 2012

Can you believe it?

I'm back! I'm back! I'm back! A year to the day since my last post...

and I'm back.

A lot has changed. I've given the blog a new look. I've started a new blog with friends who are as interested in neurodiversity as I am. I graduated with my MSW. I've taken a lot of time to rest. I practice therapy on a very part-time basis now. Kittay died in March. We spent a little time pet-free, and in May, K2 joined our little family. I went to Vermont to visit Landmark College. I've taken exciting vacations to exotic locations like Rockaway Beach, OR and Wisconsin. I learned that my body is a lot happier when I greatly reduce gluten, so I've taken up an interest in gluten free cooking. I run a lot more. I'm working at my old job while I look for a new one. It's comforting to be back to the familiar, but I'm ready for something new. The question is what to do. Higher ed or mental health? Higher ed or mental health? Can I do both? I hope I can find a way to do a little bit of both. I volunteer my time to help co-lead a discussion group for parents of college-age students with Asperger's. I've loved getting to know this great group of people, and I've learned a lot from them. I don't meditate any more, and I miss it. I still read lots of books about therapy and Asperger's and ADHD, but I've also read Behind the Beautiful Forevers and Why Have Kids? and 50 Shades of Grey. I was so out of touch with the world that I thought 50 Shades was some literary piece with racy content, so boy was I surprised. My friend's mom recommended the book to her (without having read it) because she thought it was a good one about the aging process. Surprises all around on that one.

Oh,and a year later, I have a new hair person who I love! We share the same name! How can things go wrong? Well, ok, there is one thing. I'm growing my hair out after having it shorter for a long time. As great as she is, she always makes comments about how my hair is just basically going to SUCK until it gets a bit longer. I'm thinking, "hey, I think it looks pretty good," while she's talking about wearing head scarves and things. Hmph.

Change is the theme around here. TBF and I are ready for a change of residence and a change of pace. We are looking to move out of Seattle. *gasp!* I know, I know. I love this city, a few years ago I never thought I'd leave and yet...the shiny factor has greatly dulled. The winters are long and housing is expensive. Traffic sparks irritation. It'd be nice to have a little more space to stretch out, to store the Boyfriend's motorcycles, to garden. We have ideas but aren't sure where we're going yet. Stay tuned.

There are a few things that haven't changed. One is my klutziness. While jogging last month, I tripped on a curb and skidded across the concrete, scraping up my knees and arms. As is the way, a guy driving by in a truck witnessed my fall and came to a stop to see if I was ok. I jumped up, laughed, and gave a too exuberant "I'm ok!" wave and ran the two blocks home to clean myself up. I like to say that I'm susceptible to tripping and getting food all over my clothes, like I have absolutely no role in how the streak of avocado got on my shirt.

Everyone meet K2:

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