Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yesterday I was a hair coloring "model" at the new salon I'm trying. I really like my new hair person so far, and she asked me several weeks ago if I'd be interested in doing this for a hair coloring class. Free hair coloring under the supervision of a professional? Sure! My favorite part of the whole experience was overhearing the instructor comment about this big wooden chair he was sitting in. He busted out with a breezy, "I'm really digging this chair...I feel like Vin Diesel in it."

Hahaha-HA! I was not expecting THAT. I sat in my salon chair, with my hair saturated with dye, pretending to look at my book while giggling to myself.

I've decided I'm in love with Port Townsend. Love. It. I'm going to giving up my life here, peeps, to move there and work at the big New Agey store on the corner. It's got an awesome vibe. Come visit me!

There is so much more to say, but soon. Right now I'm going to go curl up with my new copy of Committed. Yay! (A gift from good friend Elizabeth. I'm still committed to reading my own dang books this year, but I accept gifts to add to the collection). I just know I'm going to devour it.

1 comment:

Philistine said...

Yeah, it's a cool place. Just don't get a piece of pie in the candy/dessert shop, it was so bad it impressed me.