Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I know. I haven't been posting again lately. I'm lame.

Life is just nutso, man! I've been a busy lady.

This week is a lot of fun, though. This past weekend I had good girl time with sister Molly, and dinner at Six Seven with Mols and Meg T. was delicious and a lot of fun. We were there for about two and a half hours chatting, laughing, and eating. Although, we were lucky in that we had a gift card Meg T. got from her hotel, because the food was definitely over-priced for what it was. Our server Matt was very helpful and quirky in a charming way. We tried to get Meg T. interested in him, but that was a no go. Still, we talk about Matt fondly now.

I finished watching the first season of The United States of Tara. Loved it.

This week is volunteering and birthday celebrating with friends and my Eiffel Tower Lighting Party tomorrow! Lindsay (the awesome of the awesome) gave me a bottle of Veuve to have at the party, and I'm super excited to share it with everyone. Plus, I just want people to eat good cheese and Oooooo and Aaaaaaah over my lights. Then, we're going to Sutra for a birthday dinner. Looking forward to trying that very much.

And then there is the weekend. Oh weekend, how I'm looking forward to you. Work and life is busy-stressful right now, so a few days away are in order. So is the wine and chocolate tasting festival in Port Townsend. I'm looking forward to my birthday, and generally I don't have any issues with aging, but the other night I dreamed that my sister was talking to me about my hair. She said that my mom and her had noticed that huge amount of gray hair that had cropped up on my head, and my sis said people she knew had started referring to me as "that older woman" which was weird for her. Aaaaaaaaaaah! I was like, This is not true! She said I wasn't noticing because the offending hairs are all in the back. So, in my dream, I became obsessed with examining my hair.

Sigh. It was a pretty funny dream, incredibly vivid. I wondered what it was about, since I'm fine with turning 33. I think the problem is that while I'm not worried about getting older, I don't want to show signs of aging earlier than I should.

Timing is working for me on this one, since on Monday I get to be a "model" at the Aveda salon I go to and have free hair coloring done as part of a class. This is perfect.

I can squash my paranoia about the grays for at least a little while.

Wishing you all a Happy Eiff Lighting in Megan's Office Day tomorrow! Drink some champagne or eat some French cheese or chocolate in its honor. Here's to gaudy beauty and unsophisticated Americans!

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