Thursday, March 11, 2010

So, the Boyfriend and I are going on six months together. This is a very Big Deal to both of us. Since the end of my ten year relationship several years ago, we all know that my recent track record with long-term dating has been pretty...dismal. Crash-and-burn failures that we call "learning experiences" to cast each emotional debacle in a positive light. Frankly, even saying that I've had a relationship that's lasted six months is a bit of a stretch. So, finally being in a healthy relationship that shows every sign of growing stronger each day, at a point in life where I feel healthy and at peace with myself (i.e. just the right time), is a tremendous success story. I feel incredibly blessed and lucky. I've found a guy who doesn't mind my quirks, like when I decide to wear a scarf to bed, and who takes my looks of annoyance over his soup slurping in stride. He is a truly wonderful man who I love very much. We travel well together. We're happy. It's something to celebrate!

After that emotional outpouring, I must also say that lately I'm really into Field Roast. I crave it. I'm obsessed with looking at recipes to make new things out of it. Left to my own devices, I would like to center my world around the field roast. I'll keep you posted on the recipes I try. The Boyfriend made a really delicious pasta with FR sausage one time, and I've mentioned my love for the FR Reuben at Smarty Pants, but there are so many other possibilities out there.

To further highlight my weirdness, another recent fave is Guinness floats. Yep. I've always felt like Guinness and ice cream should come together, so I was excited to see this listed on the menu at the Traveler. I didn't order it there, though. Nope. I decided to go home and make my own. A little ice cream. A little Guinness. A dollop of chocolate sauce. And then you have a not-so-sweet root beerish type float. Yum! (No one else I know likes this, by the way.)

Oh, and Big Sky organic ginger ale = yum. It's extreme ginger goodness, if you're into that sort of thing.

In addition to Maui in April (yay!), I'm really looking forward to the lavender festival in July! Last weekend, I managed to spend some time out in my little garden flower beds, and I moved one of my lavender plants to a new spot. They are starting to sprout, which means they are starting to smell delicious. Combine that with the rosemary, and I was in scent heaven. I just wish my allergies would stop acting up. I've been sniffling lots lately.

Leading the AS group on Monday went pretty well. Unfortunately there was some general chaos and disorganization to deal with before and after the group meeting, but my session itself went ok, especially for a first time of leading on my own. The group did a pretty good job of handling the change of leadership for the session. The energy was a bit scattered at first, and there was definitely some boundary challenging, but, once we got going with our topic, we had a positive and engaged conversation. The topic of the night focused on touchy subjects and insults. Given my recent interventions/meddling, I felt completely comfortable and at one with this theme. We talked at length about verbal and non-verbal cues for recognizing when you may have said something insulting or brought up a touchy subject, repairing these situations, and boundaries for giving out personal information about ourselves. This was very good experience for me, and even though I was nervous about trying it, I'm pleased I had the chance to lead a group discussion.


Philistine said...

Six months is a good milestone. It is past the new in love faze where things that might bother you are glossed over by new feelings and past the I would have noticed the dealbreakers by now period.

Good for you, sounds like it is working out very well for you guys!

Megan R. said...

Thanks for your nice words! I appreciate the good thoughts. Speaking of milestones, you've reached one recently, too. Happy Cohabitation!