Friday, January 08, 2010

More Yay/Boo Madness

Yay to the James Mercer (Shins) and Danger Mouse collaboration Broken Bells! I heard a song on KEXP this morning, and I *loved* it. I haven't been this excited about anything new in a while. After that, my heart filled with love for John in the Morning for playing "In the Ghetto." Happy Birthday, Elvis! Even though I've cut off my collection...once a fan of the king, always a fan of the king.

Boo to NBC for even thinking about replacing Conan with Jay Leno. I hope that's just a rumor. In the battle of funny vs. un-funny, Conan is the clear winner of funny. Give him some time, peeps!

Yay to Nada Surf for the three album shows scheduled in NYC. I wish I could go to at least a couple of them. Boo to them for not doing this in SEATTLE! I don't understand. How many times do I have to go over this? It's like no one is listening.

Maybe I should write a letter. I finally wrote in to the End asking them to stop playing so much Red Hot Chili Peppers. I never do anything like that, but I reached my limit. I needed an outlet. I needed to be heard! Every time I turn on the radio, one of their damn songs is playing. I'm not joking at all, and I don't listen to the End regularly. Yet, when I flip to that station, it's inevitable that I'll hear a RHCP song. Argh! It would be funny if it wasn't so aggravating.

My question is how many old songs about California by them (just look at the list, see who dominates) do we need to hear on a daily basis? The station sent back a nice reply telling me that they hear me (yay, thanks. I've been heard), but the reason why they play so much RHCP is because of the overwhelming positive feedback they receive from it.

Huh. The RHCP proponents must be the same people who are for bringing back Leno.

Yay to the special effects in the movie Avatar! I enjoyed seeing it in 3-D (my first time seeing a movie in 3-D!), and I was entertained the entire time, even though most of the dialogue was pretty terrible. Cheese-o-rama. It sure was gorgeous, though. It's funny to me that one of the most expensive movies ever made highlights the wastefulness of humans and makes a case for living simply in connection with nature.

Boo for the horrid song "I See You" at the end of Avatar. Really??? Are we on the Titanic? I feel like this ship is going down. "I See You" = I'll see you to the trash.

Yay for the movie It's Complicated. I saw that on Christmas with the family (a tradition of ours), and it was probably one of the best movies I've seen Christmas Day in a long while. Love Meryl Streep! Love Alec Baldwin! Love Steve Martin! Great cast and good fun. I'd love to have Meryl's house in that movie.

Yay for Friday! I'm ready! More essay writing ahead this weekend.


Diagnose Me said...

I've long thought that the RHCP need to write some songs about Rhode Island.

Megan R. said...

Yes, please. Shake it up RHCPs!