Hello, all. I am a delinquent blog poster with a cold. This is really great when your primary job function is to talk with people all day. I don't feel too bad, but I've had to constantly gulp tea so I can try to respond to questions with a scritchy-scratchy, yet somewhat audible, voice. People are really nice about it, but I know my obvious germiness makes me about as appealing as a Kitty with fleas.
I have been so busy. My time with my sister and the bobblehead (and my mom & aunt for a couple of days) was absolutely wonderful. It just zipped by. We always imagine our visits with plenty of sister time to just sit around, chat, order pizza, watch movies, blog...Of course it never goes that way. There are always too many things to do and people to see in a short period, but it's still so much fun. Laughing with my sisters is one of my very favorite things, and I wish I could describe the perfection and gratitude of knowing them (without sounding like a cornball), but I don't think I'd even know how to start.
Getting to bond with my nephew filled my heart. It's crazy and overwhelming to realize just how much you can love someone. I adore and miss his sweet face, fauxhawk, pouty lip (pics below), and all his great little baby sounds. My sister is truly amazing in her patience and skill as a mother, though. I definitely had moments of lukewarm feelings for the fussing, wailing, and 24/7-ness of it all, and she handles it so calmly and smoothly. Very impressed.
My friends, I'm embarrassed to say this, but I've unwittingly become something I never thought I would - a (wannabe) Groupie. Gah! How did this happen? Yes, I love my music, but I have no desire to be a band stalker.
Long story short, I kind of know a guy in a band, and in recent months they've played many shows here. I've gone with friends to a couple, and a couple of other times they've played at events I've attended. I usually end up bumping in to Band Boy in the small venues, so I say hi and maybe make a little (awkward) small talk. He's nice, and I enjoy talking with him, but there's only so much you can say in a noisy club. Obviously, I've seen them A LOT lately and, after hearing the same songs over and over again, I decided enough was enough. No more shows.
Well... With my mom in town, my sis and I took advantage of grandma's eagerness to babysit and decided to go to a show one night. Concerts are few and far between on Maui, and Mols wanted to see someone she recognized. I'm sure you can guess what she picked. I was really reluctant to go, but she was excited, so I decided not to make a fuss. When we arrived, I was immediately cheered by the large crowd and figured there was no way I would run in to Band Boy in such a big place. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Mols and I were standing near the stage during the opening act, and he walked directly in front of us, smiled and waved. Sigh. Behind the friendliness, I'm sure he's thinking what any normal person would think. Her again? Stalker!
The problem is that I hardly talk with him (gee, I wonder why?), so I don't have opportunities to explain the how and why I'm always there. Even if I did, it would sound like lame excuses to cover up my apparent obsession. Maybe I'm wrong, and he thinks nothing of it or just appreciates my "dedication" and support, but I have my doubts. And, I have tickets to see another band I really love in a smallish venue in December, and once again Band Boy is part of the opening act. What to do? Sell ticket vs. go incognito. Major dilemma.
Happy Thanksgiving all! I am so thankful for all the family time I had this past week. It was very special to me. I am also thankful for the opportunity to go out to dinner at Palisade with friends tonight. I have never been but have always wanted to go. I'm excited and hardly eating a thing in anticipation! Delicious food. Yummy drinks. Dressing up. No family (mine or others) drama. And, best of all, no cooking or dishes! Sounds pretty perfect to me.
I had so much fun visiting you. I'm so glad that we were able to come...Travie misses his auntie.
Don't worry about groupie status. You tell CM that it was all my idea to go to the show. Thanks for letting me drag you along. :) Next time I can do without the hour long tour of Seattle compliments of Meg T....
I love you!
Uh, yeah. Communication breakdown.
Me: "OK, Meg T., take a left here."
Meg T: "Oh, take a right?" Right blinker goes on, merge right.
Me: "No!! Left!"
Suddenly zooming on straight stretch toward Fremont when we needed to head toward the stadium.
Me or Mol: "OK, how about we turn around here?"
Still zooming.
Me or Mol: "Here?"
Continue zoom.
Me or Mol: "Oh look, we can turn in here..."
Me (shouting): "Meg T! Do something that resembles anything like a turn!"
It's okay, Meg T. It was funny, and we had a great time with you at the B&O!
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