Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Fit Kitty

Every night, while I'm performing my pre-bed ritual of brushing my teeth, washing my face, etc, Kitty does her nightly workout. My Kitty eats a lot, but she appears to be pretty weight conscious. Her routine goes something like this. When I head off to the bathroom to start getting read for bed, she watches me (my apartment is so small that she can pretty much see me from wherever she is) , and, within moments, she's sitting in the doorway meowing like crazy. When she first started this, I had no idea what was going on. I tried petting her and making comments like, "Be quiet, Kitty!" but that didn't stop the noise. Finally, out of sheer frustration, I once made a quick turn and stomp to fake like I was going to chase her. She went tearing off. Within seconds, she was back meowing until I pretended I was going to chase her again. Now, we pretty much do this every night, and I think she loves it, because sometimes she'll just continue dashing around from room to room, flipping over dust balls and the hallway rug in her wake. As is true for most of us, I think Kitty lacks the motivation to just take a quick jog around the house. She needs the threat of a big scary human chasing her to get her going. I must note, however, that she only likes the fake out chase. If I actually try to chase her around the apartment, she'll stop abruptly and stare at me like I'm out of my gourd. Whatever.

Another Kitty quality I find quite amusing is the frustrated noise she makes when I'm not letting her do what she wants. For the most part, she always has the same serene facial expression and a one pitch meow. However, if I refuse to pick her up when she is insisting, or if I have to continually remove her from the bed when I'm trying to make it, she does this little annoyed rumble in the back of her throat. It reminds me of Cartman on
South Park when the kids are making fun of him and he's about to blow, which is quite fitting since Cartman has a cat named Kitty too. It cracks me up every time.

So, I know that the Oscar's are rigged and lame--yet, I'm usually glued to the TV for at least part of it-- but I am absolutely 100% refusing to watch them this year due to no Paul Giamatti nom for Sideways. The Oscar judges need to get a clue, in my opinion. I find all the celeb award shows sickening anyway. From Jan-March, it feels like there is at least one on every week. How often can we celebrate ourselves people? I hope I have lots of money someday so I can create an annual award night for outstanding teachers, firefighters/emergency response teams, social workers, activists, inventors, etc. who make an impact on peoples lives. And, I'd send them all home with $10,000 goody bags too. How cool would that be?

My sister Molly has asked me to be her doula when the baby arrives in September. At first, I was honored by her request and the idea of seeing my sister into this next phase of her life. So, I said yes I would be her doula. Then, we started talking about the details. I envision a doula as a person who is there to support you and help you (and your partner) out while you're giving birth. A birthing doula. Molly prefers to stick to the traditional definition which is something like "head servant." On the phone, she started in with a list that included making her breakfast, driving her around, doing laundry, and scrubbing floors. She wants me to come before the baby is due so I can start in on my doula responsibilities while she is still one. Also, she was quick to point out that a doula is supposed to be a non-judgmental person in a new mother's life (uh-oh). Hmmmmm. I think I may have to bow out of this gig for "creative differences." Now, she calls me up and says "Hello, my doooooooolaaaa" just to taunt me.

My youngest sister, Brynna, is wrapped up in and wants to discuss who is going to be Molly's maid of honor when she and Joe marry. She's worked it out so we each get a turn to be one, presuming we all marry, in a family wedding. With this doula task looming, I told her it's fine by me if she wants to be Molly's (Molly clearly has no choice), as being a maid of honor equals a lot of work. Also, my recent, and very limited, track record seems to suggest that I could get on a roll of being axed from weddings. Go Megan!

Brynna is also busily designing proud auntie t-shirts for us to wear when mini-Molly (won't know the gender for a while) arrives. I know, I know, I know that no matter what they will be pink and involve tons of glitter.

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