Tuesday, April 02, 2013

I'm going through a phase where I have my mornings to myself, as I'm now working afternoons. I'm also working about 30 hours + hours with my therapy clients. I'm trying to savor this time while I can, because I know that--poof!--it will be gone when I (finally) find a full-time job. The job hunting process is going dismally slow for me, and I suspect for many people out there. I really want to do something related to why I went back to school (supporting neurodiverse people in higher ed and beyond), and the fword and I are thinking about moving away from Seattle, so there are a lot of factors at play. I get frustrated. I get restless. I don't love preparing job applications.

I find I tend to do this thing of not enjoying the moment. Right now I'm able to have leisurely mornings where I can exercise, take care of a few things around the house, make and eat a healthy breakfast, get ready at my own pace...Yet, my mind frequently wanders to what's next and here comes all the chaotic feelings. I can put a damper on it so easily with my busy brain. It's like another job constantly bringing it back to the present moment.

Lately, maybe because of this time I have, I'm thinking more about how I want to spend my time, particularly around technology. Like most people in the U.S., I can totally get wrapped up in my phone, tv, and spending endless hours on the internet. I'm feeling the need to take a big step back from that. I'm at a point where reading for fun is actually fun again for me, and I can't wait to devour books. I'm thinking about how I can volunteer again. I crave silence more often, and I want more personal connection than computer connection.

Of course, while trying to do some wedding planning, the computer is my friend. It's looking like we're heading toward Hawaii in October, peeps!

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