Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Hello, party people. Welcome to my land of glorious transition. My job is dunzo. I'm unemployed! I've started practicum. And, it's back to classes for me. I planned to take just two this quarter but now I've added a third. It's going to be a busy one. I am reading books called Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, whatever that means. Well, to be honest, I'm thinking about reading the book Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. I'm not doing too great keeping up with all the required reading so far. Off I go!

On the ocean trip with my aunt and Bryn, I had a lot of time to think about all the looming changes. I got a little freaked out.

First I went to a zen place.

Then, I became very introspective and decided to think carefully in the sand.

I figured I might as well do a few leg lifts while there.

Suddenly, I was in the grieving stage.

Which quickly turned to anger.

So then I did what any normal person would do...I took up smoking.

This led me to the final stage: Imagined Bad Assery.

The End.

**This narcissistic photo post was made possible by pictures snapped by Brynna R.**

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